Thursday, May 28, 2020

Alone Part 2

This post is a continuation of the original Alone post of May 11th.   It is another day of isolation from the COVID-19 Virus in photographs. 

The day begins with the sunrise over the Rincon Mountains to the East ...the morning is cool and there is an abnormally quietness that surrounds my space.

The light coming through the dining room windows announces the beginning of another day as it creeps across the table.  The morning coffee awaits the first sip and the knowledge that I am alone within these walls.

It is another day of self imposed isolation and loneliness of photographing my feelings through the objects I find within these walls.  I am basically assembling a group of images to document the foreboding shadows that seem to encompass the surroundings.

While the walls that surround me and seemingly keep me safe from the outside world that contains a deadly virus, there is a sense of inner peace as you pickup your camera and begin another day of documenting these feelings visually.   You are not alone really; others are also trying to come to grips with the new reality, and the hope that it will end soon.

All images were shot within a week using a Sony A7II camera and natural light.
I can be reached for comments and questions at