Thursday, February 20, 2014

Photo Narcissism

Mirrors or reflections act as windows that sometimes combine many subjects within a single image and at other times show things differently where patches of light and distortions seem to create another world or dimension trapped in the glass before you.  Since the 15th century and the advent of the mirror, artists have gazed into it and attempted to grasp their identities.

I think we all have attempted to make a self-portrait of ourselves –either using a cell phone or a mirror reflection.  It is a simple process –aim into the mirror, focus and shoot.  Well, maybe not that simple –yes, a little planning is necessary.  However, if you have a window behind the mirror where sunlight is reflected on to the mirror –the possibilities can be very unusual.  Here is some of my narcissism I found in the reflections of this other reversed world.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Urban Canvases

I find the world around me a fascinating series of images -a landscape, which includes the buildings, people and all things that are worth observing and recording.  While the painter, writer or musician applies what he sees and hears to interpret this landscape -the photographer is rather bound by his eyes and the eyes of his camera to merely record it.  On the way downtown about a week ago I became aware that many of the brick walls I pass everyday -have become canvases on which some have used to interpret this urban landscape.  I am not sure what the messages are or if they are of great interpretation.  I am only a photographer who has stopped to look and record some of them.