Thursday, March 21, 2019

Kitchen Shapes

 For this post I explore and choose ordinary objects within my kitchen to photograph.  They range from forks, knives, cups and glasses.  The lighting is indirect window lighting using a black background.

Using some of the elements of design, namely form, line, color, shape texture and space...I have arranged these objects to present interesting compositions of ordinary kitchen found objects. You notice how I have used line, shape and color in these photographs.

This is a way for you as a photographer to challenge yourself by applying some of these design elements to explore their use in the photographing of familiar objects that you probably make use of every day.  It is a challenge to force yourself to look at everyday objects a little differently and apply this use of design elements in how you approach this artistic perspective in your photography.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Reality vs. Reality

I think we all at times want to escape from what we call reality around us into a world of our choice.  It can be wild and unpredictable but it is one we designed even though it only lasts  maybe only over a weekend.

Welcome to Tucson’s Steam Punk Convention 2019...where reality is suspended for one weekend.  This post is a small peek into this world of a group of people who have chosen to suspend reality and present an enjoyable alternative.  So, walk with me and my camera down the street, where your reality is put on hold, and Steam Punk becomes the reality you may have been looking for.  So therefore, the question iswhat is reality really?