Sunday, May 17, 2020


This blog started when looking at some picnic plates and bowls on a counter in the kitchen...and the realization that I was seeing patterns that I wanted to photographically explore.

I know the title of this blog is red, but it is not really about red.  And, it is not about blue plates per say.  Yah, I know there are a lot of photographs of a red bowl and blue plates.   It is really about a study in composition of some simple objects using ambient light.  This compositional process is first about circular design and a secondary challenge in how to arrange these objects to create different images using only these few objects arranged on a black background.

Some of the classic design elements of composition in art include line, shape and form.  For this blog entry I have decided to look at the circle as a compositional shape.  The challenge with photographing these four items is how to use the circular design of the items.   The arrangement of the circular plates leads your eyes toward the main subject the circular red bowl.  These circular objects are a pleasant juxtaposition inside the rectangular frame.  It is an overall study in circular patterns but it is also a collection of separate images that can stand on their own.  

The images were created using a Sony A7II camera.  The lighting is window light both direct and indirect used in photographing these items on a black background.  All questions can be address to me at
I will gladly respond to all emails.

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