photo walk is, typically something organized by a camera club, where an ad hoc
gathering of photographers does a walking tour of a planned route. However, there is no reason why one cannot
choose a place and do a photo walk on your own. This post is one man, one
camera, 5000 steps and what I recorded while walking through a colorful
neighborhood here in Tucson.
I walk down a street...a certain synergy takes hold. A peeling wall, tiled steps, a blue painted
adobe house and artwork on walls excite my eyes. There is a picture of a yellow car in front
of a yellow house, which makes you wonder what came first the yellow car or the
yellow house. This is a simple exercise
of 5000 steps and enjoying the shapes and colors you encounter on the way. There is art all around you...you sometimes
just have to stop and see it. You have
to walk with your eyes.
The images taken on this Photo
Walk were made around the area of Elm Street just off Campbell Avenue in
Tucson, Arizona