As you drive around town you may be aware of various building walls that
are adorned with artwork. Some of the wall artwork is fading and others
are being replaced with new.
To enjoy this type of art, you have to be prepared to be observant as you
move about the town. Some of it is visible from the road and some is
hidden on side streets and back alleys. You might call it art scavenger
There is a rhythm to some of this artwork, which in some cases may require
a different perspective when filling your picture space. Maybe only a
section of the artwork strikes you dramatically. It can be an exercise in taking a few minutes
to examine your subject from different angles. I have begun to look and
photograph some of this wall art from an angled perspective in-order to capture
a sort of rhythm to the images. Rather than shooting straight on
-choosing to shoot close and upward or downward gives the art some motion and a
different viewpoint to the original wall art.