Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In Your Face

In street photography we, the photographer, are usually separated from our subject by a certain amount of distance.  However, the following subjects were literally taken at what one might call "in your face photography."  My advise is always ask permission if you plan on shooting someone up close, and in many cases, if you explain why and what you are planning to do with the image you will find your subjects will become interested and maybe happy to comply.

With a little cropping the images can be dramatic street portraits.  My choice of lens for this type of shooting is the 18-55mm lens on the Sony Nex-7 camera.  I set the camera on Aperture Priority (f8) and continuous shooting – and fire away.  I prefer this camera for street shooting because of the lightness and size -your subjects are not intimidated by shoving a large DSLR in their face, and it allows me to move in quickly, take the shot and move on.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Steampunk in The Desert

Exit 270 fantasies in the desert or a machine age absurd and playful event called Steampunk Tucson style.  It happened in the desert somewhere between Comic-con and the All Souls Procession.  It was a sort of Dada movement in the desert.  It was like Disneyland for the photographers.