Different Genre
Every now and then I like to change
genre –move into an area that is totally alien to my normal shooting mode. I think all photographers would like to use
paints rather than their familiar digital or film medium. I once attempted to work with watercolor and
discovered I did not have the patience to learn or spend the time working the
medium. I envy the painter, who although
similar in his method of seeing has much more freedom in creating in paint what
he sees, while the photographer is confined to the application of what he sees
using various mechanical processes. However,
in an effort to change genre I attempted to apply my understanding of forms and
light through abstract manipulation using the digital software process. The images below were created in Photoshop
and the Painter 4 essentials software.
The first three images are collages of two different images, with the
fourth and fifth image created solely in Painter 4 from a still lifes I created.