Monday, July 8, 2013

July 8, 2013

The Queen

In the Tohon O’odham Indian storytelling, the night blooming Cereus, or Peniocereus greffii –nicknamed “The Queen of the Night,” -has inspired folk songs, paintings, and even a perfume.  It blooms en masse for only one night of the year.  Slowly opening at dusk, the beautiful palm-sized flower is wilted within a few hours of sunrise.  It can only be found in Southwestern North America.

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013
Moholy-Nagy in “Vision in Motion” discusses photograms, the capturing of objects or ideas photographically without a camera.  This can be accomplished by placing objects on top of photographic sensitive paper and exposing to bright light – and then applying the chemical processes.  This photogram technique can also be accomplished digitally through the use of a print scanner.  The images presented here are of plant life captured on a scanner with a little Photoshop applied.